Thursday, February 15, 2007

Transfiguration Sunday – C3

Years C
2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2

There is a mystery in a relationship that cannot be finally plumbed. We like to think a relationship with G*D will bring clarity about many things - no more dim mirrors or veiled countenances. This may simply be our conceit - that we (I) can live without veils.

In some tremendously important ways to be in the presence of another is to be in a cloud where belovedness is understood to be present, but just how is an entirely other matter.

Another way of coming at this is that mercy is always appropriate to apply to the circumstances one experiences. Mercy - for ourselves when we find ourselves doing exactly what we have renounced. Mercy - for others when they are not up to our standards. Mercy - for G*D in whose image we find ourselves.

With large hope we boldly engage mercy.

= = = = = = =

whatever our brand of faith
we work with veils
some call them creeds
masking new revelation
some call them experience
avoiding larger grounding
some call them discipline
fencing in options
some call them mercy
lost without boundaries
some call them hope
insulation from pain
some call them literalism
deflecting multiple meaning
some call them heresy
bypassing engagement
whatever our brand
we work with veils

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