Thursday, July 05, 2007

Pentecost +6 Sunday – C3

Pentecost +6 Sunday – C3

Years C
Galatians 6:1-16

Work for the good of all. Why? Because the cosmic payoff is worth it - a new creation.

Enough said.

= = = = = = =

sky-writer large
is not large enough
for a new
creation message

what needs lopping off
is not our sexuality
but our control
of cultural symbol

do this and you're in
avoid this and you're in
do that and that
and you're out

every diminution of one's life
to carry out
someone else's plan
lessens our common good

take care in temptation's face
not to live another's life
no matter the perks
it is not redemptive

focus on gentleness
bear mutual burdens
do your own work
weary not in good

compassion trumps judgment
care overarches competition
sowing precedes reaping
peace always mercy ever

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