Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Isaiah 6:1-13

Pentecost +1 (Trinity) – Year B

Isaiah 6:1-13

Having a blind spot is nothing new. It's built into the system. Having a recognition of a blind spot and being able to use a gravitational (or other) field to look around leads to amazing revelations. An unseen can be glimpsed.

We can get so caught up with our usual peddling (both routines and trying to sell our particular vision) that a bluebird of happiness flits through unseen. A typical response is one of lostness, wandering, and boredom. Then, when a recognition of something more being present arrives, we are undone.

At any rate, one of the insights of life is not about the grandeur of some high and lifted up artifacts of glory but the being on a journey in the midst of the sublime and mundane all mixed together. "Here am I; I'm on my way."

May your journey continue through city and desert, crowd and retreat, until the twelfeth of never. Eventually G*D and People will recognize one another, even if but less than a tenth part of either remain. Hooray for this First Isaiah and all subsequent Isaiahs, including whatever number Isaiah you are.

Hop on board. Let's journey to release a holy seed from its stump.

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