Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Psalm 79:1-9

Pentecost +18 - Year C 

How is one to practice being shrewd in relationship to finally doing what is right—forgiving debts—if our only technique is to lean back and bay at G*D for help.

An on-going sense of impotence or dependence is not helpful to growing spirits. Even though this is probably part of a process of moving to independence and inter-dependence, it is a phase that is hopefully kept to a minimum. Yes there is value here, but not as much as comes afterward.

There simply comes a time when being rescued, only to repeat our problem because there has been no learning, needs to cease. This dynamic is usually present in multiple places within our life. These reinforce our reluctance to pull out of a dysfunctional system and call it to account. It is also the case that doing so in any one area of our life leads to the possibility of doing so in additional areas. These resistances can also build on one another. This is not a straight-forward proposition that automatically happens and so continual attention and choice is needed.

May you make one more shrewd choice this day, no matter the inconvenience to you or a whole system.

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