Thursday, March 03, 2016

2 Corinthians 5:16-21

Year C - Lent4 or Conviction4
March 6, 2016

The division between viewing anything from a human or G*D centric point of view is a basic misunderstanding of reality. No humans, no G*D. No G*D, no humans (well, this is more a trust issue).

Being a new creation, someone set on a new path for whatever reason, is not unique to a religious perspective. One can know they are in a bad spot on the basis of hunger and positing hunger as an act of G*D is not much different than the joke about Sunday School where every answer has to be “Jesus”.

If every reconciliation is of G*D, this passage is going to run afoul of another division between sin and righteousness. These are always in relationship to one another or they make no sense. There may be a larger or smaller shared portion of a Venn Diagram, but they are related. Should one cover the area we end up with psychopathology that has no social connection or one that forces everything into one way.

This is not to say that reconciliation is not an important consideration in any relationship as we are forever making mistakes and having shortcomings. This is the case whether the relationship is between humans or a human and G*D. Reconciliation for the purpose of judging trespasses or sinlessness is ultimately a losing proposition as this relies on a snapshot in time.

Go ahead and regard everything from a human point of view. Regard it also from a snail’s point of view as well as an eagles' (reread The Once and Future King). Get real human and attend to the glorious variety of humans. The more fully human your view, the more clearly you will be able to see any one human and whatever can be known of G*D. Now you can invest in the worst and wait for the best in each one.

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