Sunday, August 18, 2013

G*D language survey and instance

The UnitedMethodist Publishing house is taking a survey of people associated with The United Methodist Church regarding the "names of god". I thought readers associated in some way with the UMC might have something to report to them. Our language does shape our practice and there are practices with the UMC standing in need of repentance and reform. Better "god" language would help move beyond the current blockages. Here is the notice of the survey with deadlines and links. It is followed by an example of application.


The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women seeks to better understand United Methodist attitudes about language for God.

This study is designed to be taken by anyone who considers themselves part of a United Methodist Community. All participants, members, leaders, clergy, teachers and seminary professors participating in a United Methodist Congregation or community or otherwise related to The United Methodist Church.

Results of this survey will be used to develop new guidelines for language in worship planning, shape recommendations to the next General Conference, and inform curriculum development.

We want to hear opinions from people holding a variety of perspectives regarding language used for God in The UMC.
Most participants will complete the survey in under 10 minutes.

Your answers will be completely anonymous. Any questions marked with an asterisk (*) require an answer in order to progress through the survey.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact GCSRW at or 312-346-4900.

In order to progress through this survey, please use the following navigation buttons:
• Click the Next button to continue to the next page.
• Click the Previous button to return to the previous page.
• Click the Exit the Survey Early button if you need to exit the survey.
• Click the Submit button to submit your survey.

• Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

The link to the survey is:

Here is an article showing some of the import of our "spiritual" language:

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