Monday, August 20, 2012

John 6:56-69

Pentecost +13 - Year B

“Those who rally to my flag are my comrades. Come, let us make an eternal pact. When victory is ours you will have your reward.”

This common appeal has in it a promise and a problem. The promise is heard. The problem is felt: “Oh yeah? Prove it.” And so even among true believers there is a modicum of doubt, or acceptance.

The expected response comes, “The proof is on the way, but delayed because of your unbelief.” 

We almost expect an appeal to clap loudly to bring Tinkerbell back. And it comes. “Your eternity has already been determined, so step forward—volunteer and join, you’ll see.”

Not unsurprisingly, many current followers left. Those remaining were heard to mutter, “More for me. Show me where to sign.”

In Pentecost it is important to ask the question: are you trusting because you expect some reward for doing so? If you remember back, the movement out of expectation into action of interpretation and community that risked losing everything came in a moment, not calculable.

It is not the degree of difficulty of belief that leads to greater maturity. That is for Olympic medals. For meaningful life it is simply doing the best available in the moment. Blessings on your willingness to move beyond whatever fear keeps us in a small room and away from the fresh air of engagement with a larger community beyond the calculation of marketplace.

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